The Powershell profile is equivalent to the ~/.bashrc file for bash in Linux. It helps load a desired configuration when a Powershell instance is run.

To test if there is a profile:

Test-Path $profile

The variable $profile refers to the profile. If absent, this returns False. If False, create one:

New-Item -path $profile -type file -force

A typical (user) profile path looks like:


where for me, $home = C:\Users\Ayon\ - Ayon is the username.

Once created, we can use an editor to edit the file. I use Sublime Text (cli: subl) for the purpose:

subl $profile

Script running permissions:

Running scripts on Powershell might be disabled by default. From this thread, we can use Powershell as Admin (Win+X->A) to change the execution policy of scripts:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

This worked for my use case. The Unrestricted flag can be used instead, but I haven’t researched about when I should do so. TO BE INVESTIGATED.